SOOOO, with much anticipation I went back to my doctor's office yesterday. The verdict? After all the activity and tons of cramping (fun!) I am only 1 centimeter dialated. 1. FREAKIN'. CENTIMETER! Can you believe this? Well I can't!
I tried to be a good sport as they scheduled me for induction AFTER CHRISTMAS- oh no! I always imagined myself under the Christmas tree, bleary but happy, holding my sleeping infant on Christmas morning. Do you KNOW how many Santa outfits and Baby's First Christmas onesies we have in newborn size? Seven hundred. Exactly.
At any rate, if Snookums decides to be stubborn, we will be admitted next Tuesday night for induction (you're going to put a WHAT in my WHERE??) and she'll probably make her appearance the next day.
But I'm not taking this lying down. After my appointment, I did what any self respecting woman would do- I headed to the nail salon. Then, freshly maicured, I found the nearest Mexican place and started plowing down the salsa. We also tried (medicinally) red wine, pineapple and jalapenos. I did NOT have a baby last night. I DID have heartburn that allowed me to breathe actual fire.
Today I am newly resolved to coax my little daughter out of her nice snug nest. We're having raspberry leaf tea and fresh pineapple for breakfast. Then...we're going off roading. May your days be merry and bright! Happy (almost) Holidays to all.
Jill, I love your post! I'm still rooting for Izzy to get bored and cramped in there and come rushing out for Christmas (just not in the middle of dinner, please!)
BUT! In case she is obstinant and refuses to make a showing before Santa does, I suggest you get her out on Wednesday and just make Christmas on THURSDAY! Whaddaya think? Brilliant, huh?
Halina - that IS brilliant! I knew you'd have something up your sleeve! P.S. Hey...anyone know what a contraction feels like?
My midwife kept saying "Trust me - you'll KNOW when you're really in labor." She was right. When I woke up at 2 am the day Alex was born, that contraction felt like NOTHING I'd felt before.
Have you tried evening primrose oil suppositories? They supposedly help soften the cervix. Mine was already "like butter", so Kristen said to skip those, but they might help you.
She also gave me an herbal tincture that caused contractions but ultimately not labor. It tasted like dirt + rubbing alcohol. Blech.
The good news is that the further along you are in terms of effacement and dilation, the faster an induction will go. And since you're planning on an epidural anyway, an induction really isn't that bad. I had one with Meredith, and despite all of my "giant baby exploding out of my lady bits" fears, birth was not nearly as scary as I'd feared. :)
I agree with Halina - leave some presents under the tree, open them when you come home from the hospital, and Izzy can be your bestest present ever, delivered a little late. ;)
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