Sunday, December 19, 2010

Due date!

Izzy says "Hmmmm, should I come out...or just take another nap?"

Well gang, today's the long awaited day, the one that's been on the calendar for SO long - my due date! However, I don't think my daughter, Susan Isabelle, AKA Izzy, got the memo! As anxious as we are to hold her in our arms, Snookums is snug as a bug in a rug and doesn't seem inclined to do much of anything, except kick me stupid every night at around 10pm. And actually, that's fine. She'll come in her own good time. I'm waiting and knitting and napping. There are bluejays swooping in the tree outside my window and bright red cardinals playing tag. There's snow on the ground and Christmas lights on all the trees. Inside the house I have three affectionate kitties and a pile of sentimental holiday movies to watch. We'll wait. And dream. And after she comes, life will never be the same!

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