Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Secret Diary of Susan Isabelle

MY DAY (written to her Grandparents who are vacationing in St. Martins)

By Susan Isabelle Holland

Thursday February 17th

Today I went for my very first walk in the stroller! There was so much to see! Jake the kitten got out of the house when Mommy took me outside. She had to chase him through the holly bushes and all around the yard. Then, when we came home, he got out again! Why was Mommy calling him "Jesus Christ?" I thought his name was Jake!

Then Mommy made a boo-boo. She was talking to Daddy on the phone while she changed my diaper. I was so excited to hear Daddy's voice that I started to pee. Mommy said "Oh, crap," and so I did - all over her hand and the changing table. Mommy said she's going Cuckoo. Where's Cuckoo? Is it near St. Martins?

Friday February 18th

I have been very busy today. For breakfast, I had milk. I nursed and nursed and nursed. Then I threw it up. On Mommy. Oops!
After that I decided to go for a long walk. Except I can't walk yet, so Mommy had to do it for me. We walked all around the house, again and again and again. Oh it was so exciting! Then Mommy had to put me down. She said she hurt her back. Poor Mommy. She really ought to rest more.

Daddy said we were having Company, so I had to have a bath. Oh, I liked my bath, it felt so warm and good. I felt so relaxed, I pooped in the tub. Then I got another bath! Hooray!

After my bath, I did not feel a bit sleepy. I wanted to be walked around the house again. Mommy and Daddy kept trying to cheat and sit down. I cried and screamed until they got back up and moving. I'm only trying to help. Mommy will never lose all that baby weight if she keeps sitting down.

Then Company came - hooray! Poor Mr. Ayres has even less hair than I do. I felt so sorry for him, I cried the whole time he was here. Company didn't stay very long. I wonder why?

Mommy says that I have been a Fuss Factory all day today. I don't know what she means by that. How can I be a Fuss Factory? I thought I was a little girl!

Dinner was more milk- my favorite! I nursed and nursed and nursed and guess what? I threw up again! Oops! Mommy shouldn't hold me so close to her face after dinner. She'll learn. Oh, and I peed my pants. But just a little bit. That hardly even counts. By the way, who's Jose Cuervo? Mommy keeps asking for him. Is he my Uncle?


Natasha Lee Martin said...

Jose is hanging out with his buddy Jack hopefully soon :) xoxo tash

Unknown said...

Oh, oh, oh... thank you SOOOO much for that sneak peak into a baby's mind. I loved reading it! I'm sorry to be laughing at your travails, but I know that's why you wrote it: To make people laugh and honey, you sure did!
Love you! Hugs and smooches to the family! <3

Unknown said...

I SO love your blog! It cracks me up! I'm so glad you can still have a sense of humor on so little sleep! Plus, it brings back fond memories of when my girls were little. It goes by so fast!

Anonymous said...

Dearest Izzy,
Cal and Grace are anxiously awaiting your next secret diary entry. It seems the more "pop" and "crap" words you use, the funnier your diary is. Go figure.
Love you,

Simply Meow-velous! said...

Hi Jill,
It was great seeing you in New York. Anyway, I want to do a story about Fat Joey Knitwear for my pet shops site. I didn't see an email address on your business card, so please email me at and let me know how to get in touch.