Thursday, February 23, 2012

We're Back, Baby!

"Sorry we've been away so long!"

Oh my goodness, it's been how long??? Shame on me! This is no way to keep a healthy and thriving blog! Gentle readers, you'll have to forgive me...I plead new Mommyhood. Izzy is now over a year old, walking and talking and terrorizing the cats. Her new words include ball, shoe, juice, car, hair, more, nanna (banana), kitty, Maggie, Jake (our cats' names) Pop-pop, Da-da and of course, Momma. And NO!

It's been a wonderful year but it hasn't been, um, relaxing. I watch Iz during the week, squeezing in writing, housework, basic personal matinence (you know, eating, showering, brushing teeth) crafting for Fat Joey Knitwear, etc. while she sleeps. IF she sleeps.

I also work part time on the weekends in sales and take the occasional gig during the week for diaper money. I confess, blogging hasn't even crossed my mind in ever so long....but hopefully all that can change! Why, there's ever so much to promote! I mean, uh, er...share with you.....

For example....Did you know that Fat Joey Knitwear is expanding by leaps and bounds? Right now we have felted soaps available at the Natural Harvest Food Market in Mullica, New Jersey. You can check them out on Facebook or online at

Now I know what you're saying to yourself. You're saying "What the heck is felted soap and why do I want one?" Oh, my friends! Felted soap is delightful. Felted soap, or "soap-in-a-sweater" is soap that's been covered in wool roving and felted, or agitated, until the wool forms a snug case around it. The result is a colorful, luxurious bath item - a wash cloth and soap in one. The wool, which has natural antibacterial properties, gently exfoliates the skin and is particularly good for smoothing rough parts, like elbows, knees and feets! You can use your soap down to the very last sliver - the wool will shrink down with it, until you're left with a cute little pouch. Use it to scrub the bath, or cut it open and hide your treasures. We like to make finger puppets out of them - let your imagination run wild! Questions? Comments? Lavish praise? You can leave them on our
Facebook page (Fat Joey Knitwear) and please feel free to check out our Etsy store. ( A portion from every sale of Fat Joey Knitwear is donated to a no kill animal shelter or Heifer International, in honor of the Late, Great, Fat Joey.

Now! When you go to the Natural Harvest Food Market, please give my best to the owner, Darrol and be sure to try a sample of their nettle cheese - mmm, divine!

felted soaps all ready for market!

Jake helps out with some last minute needle felting....

Izzy reluctantly models her new hand knit baby hat.

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