Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Infanta

My (fairy) Godmother is an incredibly talented photographer. For proof, I offer up these little gems, Izzy and me at 3 weeks. This sweet close up of her dear face made me cry- my heart was so full. The third one made me cry because you can't see my fine lines or dark circles, and it wasn't even retouched!! (um...was it, Auntie?)

Oh, those chubby cheeks! (hers, not mine...)


Unknown said...

Jill, tell Aunt Sue that the first photo is AMAZING!! What a treasure! Hugs to the family!

Anonymous said...

No retouching necessary, Love. That is Momma Love on your face - nothing else needed, no enhancements, simple and pure. I consider it a privilege to spend time with you and sweet Izzy and to get a chance to practice with my camera only makes it more special.