Wednesday, January 19, 2011

While Her Majesty Sleeps....

Apologies, Friends, for disappearing for a while. As you know, I popped out my first baby on Christmas Day, and even though she is an excellent nurser and generally an all around terrific baby, she is a lot of work! (My Momma always said, "They cute, but they a lotta work!" Touche, Momma, touche.)

So while Her Majesty sleeps, I'll try to piece together a blog entry, with all the news that's fit to print.

Today I indulged in a bit of online shopping. So far I've resisted the urge to buy Izzy a lot of things, since she's been receiving so many generous gifts from friends and family and I figure that she'd benefit more by me putting the money into her college fund. The strain of not purchasing her cute things has plagued me mightily, so when I read in my (many volumes) of baby literature that mobiles stimulate brain activity and get the little squirts ready for learning I was all too eager to whip out my Visa. Here's the mobile we bought today.....

I was tempted to skip the mobile all together, til my Dad told me how much I'd loved my own as a baby. He said I used to talk to the Raggedy Anns on mine like we were best friends. Aww! How could I deny Isabelle the same pleasure? So there you are, my daughter. I hope that your bears bring you many happy moments. Hey...did somebody just fill up a diaper? Oh my...whoever said that breast fed babies' diapers don't stink is a bald faced liar....back to work!

"Mommy...I've got something for you!"

1 comment:

McGee said...

Love the pics of Isabelle! For the record, it's not that breastmilk poop doesn't stink, it's really that it stinks far, far less than formula poop. Or, well, regular food poop. ;) Kiss that sweet girl for us!